Welcome to the Citizen Science Translation Hub!
There is an increasing amount of excellent written information available about citizen science. But almost all the information about it is in English.
Can you help us change that?
We're inviting citizen science projects and individuals to suggest the best materials that should be available in more languages - these may be project websites, instructions, articles, policy documents, educational materials or just fun.
And we'd like to grow a network of volunteer translators who want to make citizen science more accessible across the world.
This site is a pilot version of the Citizen Science Translation Hub. Its next version will be part of EU-Citizen.Science.
Please get in touch if you would like to do either of the following:
Submit some writing about citizen science that needs translating
Help us out as a volunteer or proofreader. No experience required, just the ability to speak more than one language!
News and Announcements
March-July 2020: Congratulations to everyone who took part in covidtranslate.org, translating South Korea's COVID handbook.